Thursday, November 17, 2011

Mr. Winkle Wakes!

Video URL:

The video called Mr. Winkle Wakes by Mathew Needleman was very interesting to me. It is a very simple video to understand. I believe all teachers should see this video, especially those teacher's that seem to have the same teaching method as 100 years ago, like lectures! Mr. Winkle wakes up to find big buildings, businesses, and offices. Mr. Winkle sees computers and people communicating with each other through the computers and there are even pictures of each other while they are talking. Mr. Winkles is frightened by all the strange and advanced things he is seeing. Mr. Winkle's is in search for his old life and routine. Mr. Winkles wants to find something normal for him, which is a 100 years ago situation. Eventually, Mr. Winkle finds a school. Mr. Winkle likes this school a lot, because there were nothing like he had seen earlier. There was no technology, except for one laptop shoved in the back corner of the class. Mr. Winkle's loved this. He mentioned that he is glad to know that there is something out there that hasn't changed over the past 100 years.

What does this say about teacher's and classroom's in this day and time? We are surrounded by such great and amazing technical objects that we can use every day all the time to help teach our students in so many different ways. A lot of teacher's are scared to use the technology. They do not feel very confident in it. Well, students have to learn every day, and as teacher's we need to accept that we are learners every day and should be learners every day. The more we learn and aspire, the better effect it will have on our students. As a teacher, I will definitely not have the 100 years old theme in my classroom. I will have more of the future theme to my class. I want to incorporate as much technology as I can to my student's learning. Mr. Winkle's may be comfortable with his old method, but I know I'm comfortable with the future of technology!

Tia Shae O'Neal Moyer

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Reflection Blog

This online class has been very neat and interesting to me. I have learned a lot about technology through this class experience. I love to use technology, so I guess this class automatically became very interesting to me, especially now that I see different ways I can incorporate technology in my future classroom. As a teacher, I want to use as much technology I can get my hands on to help teach my students. I want them to be able to understand the technology I am using, understand how to use it themselves, and also show them how technology can be used to help better their learning. Technology can range any where from an advanced computer to a smart-board.

In this online class we have done a digital storytelling project, created our own classroom website, created a portaportal, and now we are working on glogsters. I would have to say that my most favorite project we have done in this class would be creating our own classroom website. I see this project being very useful to me. I am the type of person to be very organized as much as I can. I also as a teacher hope to strive to be very involved and informative to the parents and my students about everything and keep them up to date with what is going on in the class and what their children are learning. A lot of teachers I've noticed don't keep their websites up to date, or even add anything on there. I hope to be the total opposite of that. This class has showed me how important and useful a classroom website can be. I think the website can be used for student's learning. I can keep the parents up to date so the students parents can help their children more when they get home from school, whether it be a project, a test coming up, or simply homework practice problems. I also included some student resources so they could go to a website and play review games for fun. The technology method is the ultimate method for me when I become a teacher. I highly believe that technology has to be used in the classroom a lot. Students will love it! They love to use their hands and see visual items. This will enhance their learning. Worksheets will all together become a thing of the past, at least I know it will be in my classroom! Technology is effective because students are more engaged and interested in it than a worksheet. The information they pull out of the lessons when teachers use technology, verses a worksheet, they will obtain the information a lot longer than the worksheet.

Monday, September 26, 2011

21st Century Teacher's

Title: A Vision of 21st Century Teachers
Author: The Mahoning County Educational Service Center of Ohio

The video that I am going to be discussing is A Vision of 21st Century Teachers. As we all know, the 21st century has changed since the 20th century, and has done a lot of it's changing at the very beginning of the 21st century. Our world has grown a lot more intelligent over the past couple of years. I thought this video was excellent. I really enjoyed watching it. The way they made the movie was very creative and eye-catching. It is something I'll remember and it drew my attention. The video is basically stating that their is others new means out there to teach students. You can use technology, project-based learning, differentiated learning, and so much more. As teachers, we want our children to feel the same way when we teach them something. This video gave many great ideas on how we can do that. Children will learn so much better from hands-on or virtual experiences, instead of the normal every day worksheets.

I must say that I agree with every point this video made. In my classroom, I will do my best to stay away from as much worksheets as I possibly can. Students will not want to remember as well. From my own experience in school, I can definitely say that when I did hands-on or any type of group work I remember what I learned a lot better than completing a worksheet. Testing scores have fell a lot over America today simply because students knowledge is lacking. Teacher's need to step it up and try to get away from the standard ways of teaching. We need to explore the world out there and find different means of teaching to make learning more interesting for the children. If children have more of a desire to learn, then we might have a better chance of pulling up the testing scores throughout America. Our country is so intelligent, we need to start using this talent. These children will become their own generation and they need to know how to be successful. Technology is a good example. I will use a lot of technology in my classroom. Technology is going to be a major part of the next generation. We as teachers need to use technology in our classrooms to teach our children with it and not only that, but help them understand technology and how it works. This video was excellent and I encourage you to watch it and think about this for your classroom!

By: Tia Shae O'Neal Moyer